How to Let Go of What Isn’t Working

A couple years ago, I started coaching two women at the same time.

  • Neither had self-published or even completed a story.
  • One had an English degree, and the other loved romances and wanted to write.
  • I coached both women on short story romances.
One of those women is still writing and publishing and making thousands of dollars each month. The other stopped writing and publishing shortly after our coaching.

The biggest difference between them?

One looked at everything that was going well, the other looked at everything that went wrong.

One would say, “I can’t believe I made $15!”

The other would say, “I can’t believe I only made $15.”

This is not to say you should be in denial about what isn’t working.

You should identify what isn’t working, then make an adjustment… either do more of what IS working, or try something new and keep trying new things until you discover what works for you.

However, if you give all your attention to what isn’t working, then you’ve failed before you’ve even started. I’ve gotten to the point where I can tell who will still be doing this in a few years, not based on their reviews, their branding, or their income… but based on their attitude.

The one with the English degree stopped publishing. Her books got 4.5 stars, her covers were on brand, she had fans.

The one who loved romance is still publishing, and I believe she’s started another pen name.

If you truly want this to be your career, make sure you focus on what is working.

Try NOT to look at negative reviews. Try NOT to compare yourself to other authors. Put your blinders on if you need to.

If you have to look at reviews, filter them so you only see the 5 star ones.
Focus on the message from the reader that LOVED your book.
Give your energy and attention to the the yellow block on the graph that indicates ALL THE PEOPLE who read your book, not the white space around it. Focus on all the people who are trying to lift you up instead of the handful who want to bring you down.

If I had to choose ONE thing that was the biggest factor in indie author success, it would be this.

Let go of what isn’t working…
…focus on what is.

Ask yourself:

1. What is something I have given my attention to in my author career that isn’t serving me?

2. How can I stop giving that thing my attention?

Remember, there’s nothing that can’t be fixed, so don’t get stuck thinking about everything that might need adjustment. You have come a long way already.


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How I made $3k/month on Amazon within three months of publishing my first book, and how YOU can do it too!

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