How to Get Motivated When You’re Stuck

Feeling stuck?

December of 2021, my co-writer and I burned out.

So you know what that means, right? No content to share with all of my amazing friends and subscribers, and as a result of that, I hadn’t sent out anything. Not a newsletter, social media post, nothing.

When I was ready to get started again, the fear and guilt as a result of my delay slowed me down. I was constantly reminding myself of the goals I had set, and how far I was from reaching them.

As creatives, we are constantly seeing the gap between where we’re at and where we want to be, and that can be overwhelming.

The constant focus on not doing enough can leave us in a place of scarcity with little to no motivation. Have you ever experienced this before?

If so, I have a tool for you. You don’t have to focus on where you’re at, but instead shift your focus to where you are going. So you know what I say?

Take a Break and Celebrate!

Allow yourself to be motivated by how magnificent you are, and then ask yourself these 3 questions;

  1. What is it that you’ve accomplished, that you hadn’t three months ago?
  2. What is it that you’ve accomplished, that you hadn’t one year ago?
  3. What is it that you’ve accomplished, that you hadn’t five years ago?

Think about these three questions, and allow yourself time to reflect on them. I hope you’re so proud of yourself… you really should be.

Celebrate your accomplishments!

As creatives, we need to spend more time celebrating how awesome we are! Let me briefly go over some of my accomplishments at the point of writing this here:

What have I accomplished that I hadn’t three months ago?

  • Launched Accelerator and Six-figure Fiction
  • Hired a personal assistant

What have I accomplished that I hadn’t a year ago?

  • Co-written two series
  • Gone to Disney World with book money

What have I accomplished that I hadn’t five years ago?

  • Got a new apartment with book money
  • Quit my job and became self-employed

I am so excited to share this with you because I believe that it’s more important to focus on where you’re at right now, versus where it is that you want to be.

I hope sharing some of my accomplishments has inspired you to celebrate your own success.


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How I made $3k/month on Amazon within three months of publishing my first book, and how YOU can do it too!

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