How to Get Momentum for Indie Authors

I joined a gym last month.

Guess how many times I’ve gone to the gym?

If you guessed “zero,” I’m embarrassed to say you’d be right.

It’s ridiculous how hard it is to get there the first time, right!?

It isn’t even because I don’t want to go. This gym has some amazing classes that look awesomely fun.

Do you remember Newton’s first law of physics? It says that an object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. (ie. if you’re motion is NOT moving, that’s how you’ll stay)

The reason I haven’t gone to the gym is because my exercising self has been NOT in motion for quite some time.

I’m definitely stuck in a sitting-at-my-desk-until-my-butt-flattens rut.

It’s a problem.

Because the truth is, I don’t actually want to be stuck anymore. I want is to feel stronger and healthier.

And that means I need to get out of this rut.

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Becca Syme wrote a post a few weeks ago about being in a habit of not socializing because of the pandemic… and that it might not be a healthy habit to maintain.

Girl, I’m thinking the pandemic forced a lot of us into some habits we might not want to keep long-term: not socializing, not going to the gym, etc.

I bring this up, because a lack of momentum in any area of your life is essentially just a habit of behavior.

If you’ve gotten out of the habit of writing…

If you’ve gotten out of the habit of marketing…

If you’ve gotten out of the habit of author growth…

AND you don’t actually want to be stuck anymore…

Then you might need help (aka “a force”) to get you going again.

And you might even need additional support to keep you going until you build a new habit and gain some momentum.

I’ll tell you what works for me—knowing someone expects a certain behavior from me and will be disappointed if I don’t follow through. (ie. meeting a friend at the gym)

It’s a strategy that works for writers too.

You can restart your writing momentum by sprinting with other authors.

You can restart your marketing momentum by organizing a newsletter swap.

You can restart your author growth by joining a group program that will take you to the next level.

That’s what 6-Figure Fiction is all about—helping you gain momentum in all aspects of your author career—writing, marketing, and growth.

One of my author clients recently said,

I once made the mistake of spending $3,000 on a package that advertised full-service marketing for my first series launch. I received no guidance, and the results started the day I stopped working with that company. It was impersonal, expensive, and clearly ineffective.
In contrast, Ella’s approach meets you where you are in your career, focuses on optimizing your appeal prior to throwing money away (so you save more than you spend on her course). By applying Ella’s marketing principles, I made 10x what I spent on my most recent book launch.
It’s effective, personal, and less expensive since Ella gives you the one-time foundation of a lifetime that saves so much and, honestly, pays for itself.

If you’d like someone like me by your side to help you build momentum, consider applying to 6-Figure Fiction.

Apply to join 6-Figure FictionCLICK TO APPLY

hugs and happy authoring,



my author journey 3d cover

How I made $3k/month on Amazon within three months of publishing my first book, and how YOU can do it too!

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