How to Beat Out your Book with Jessica Brody

Jessica Brody started out in Hollywood, and has translated her screenwriting prowess into her novels. Her success has brought her many opportunities, including every author’s dream—potential movie adaptations! Now, she helps other authors march to the ‘beat’ of their own story by writing instructional novels and making courses, while also continuing to write her own novels.

You don’t want to miss it, listen here…

Here are just a few of the things we touched on:

  • How to take cues from the universe when it comes to your writing,
  • The importance of plot and pacing in novels.
  • The “beats” of a story, and why they’re necessary for compelling storytelling.
  • How to plot out a story, even as a ‘pantser.’
  • A breakdown of each “beat” and why they are important to the story.
  • Why finishing a book is way more important than starting it.
  • Why waking up and writing first thing in the morning can be game changing in a writing career.
  • Tips and hints on how to be a more productive author in general


About the Author:

Jessica Brody is the author of more than 17 novels for teens, tweens, and adults including The Geography of Lost Things, The Chaos of Standing Still, A Week of Mondays, 52 Reasons to Hate My Father, Better You Than Me, the three books in the sci-fi Unremembered trilogy, and the forthcoming Sky Without Stars (a sci-fi reimagining of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, co-written with Joanne Rendell), coming March 26, 2019.

She’s also the author of the Descendants: School of Secrets series, based on the hit Disney Channel original movie, Descendants and the LEGO Disney Princess chapter books.

Jessica’s first non-fiction book, Save the Cat! Writes a Novel (a plotting guide for novelists) released in October 2018. Jessica’s books have been translated and published in over 23 countries and two are currently in development as major motion pictures.  

She currently lives with her husband and three dogs near Portland, Oregon.


You can find her on Amazon or on her website,

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